30 dic 2013

¿Por qué los polvorones y mantecados contienen E-320?

Pregunta abierta a fabricantes y distribuidores de polvorones y mantecados y especialistas de alimentación

Hasta ayer no sabía nada sobre el antioxidante E-320, pero al leer los ingredientes de los polvorones y mantecados, y en la tónica de revisar los ingredientes de los alimentos para vigilar la alimentación en nuestra familia, me he encontrado con este ingrediente que desconocía.

Según las referencias consultadas E-320 es un antioxidante sintético utilizado en la industria industria petrolífera empleado para conservar grasas y cuyo consumo debería evitarse por la posibilidad de la aparición de los siguientes efectos adversos:

  • Hiperactividad
  • Asma
  • Urticaria
  • Insomnio
  • Aumento del colesterol en la sangre
  • Problemas de metabolismo en el hígado
  • Adormecimiento
  • Tumores cancerígenos

Aunque en Europa y USA esté permitido su uso, en Japón está prohibido.

Por lo cual me gustaría saber:

  • ¿Para qué hace falta añadir este ingrediente? ¿No es la manteca de cerdo y el azúcar suficiente para conservar estos alimentos?
  • ¿Qué alternativas existen a E-320 para el caso de polvorones y mantecados?
  • ¿Por qué no se están usando estas alternativas?


un ciudadano a pie que le gustaría disfrutar de los dulces navideños sin preocupaciones

Referencias (todas consultadas el día 30/12/2013):

Por internet pueden encontrarse fácilmente otras referencias.

27 dic 2013

Make Java applets work with chromium-browser on Ubuntu

The problem

On some Ubuntu versions, notably Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and some newer ones, Chromium >= 30 may not execute Java applets. In some browser versions, it will crash the browser process.

Run your own test:

The result should be something like this:

The problem is a name clash with a Java library: libnet.so.

This does not happen with all Chromium versions. In recent versions, all the provided libraries can't be linked statically into one single executable as before. (The resulting binary would be too big.) Hence the libs directory.

The solution

Of course, you can use Mozilla Firefox or some other browser which allows the use of Java applets. For me, the Google Chrome browser also works correctly.

So if you still want to use Chromium, go on.

Let's change all libnet occurrences with some other unused library name.

Here we go:

sudo su
apt-get install bbe
cp -a /usr/lib/chromium-browser /usr/lib/chromium-browser.bak
cd /usr/lib/chromium-browser
for f in `rgrep -l libnet .`
  bbe -e 's/libnet/libxet/' $f > $f.new
  mv -f $f.new $f
mv libs/libnet.so libs/libxet.so
mv libs/libnet_with_v8.so libs/libxet_with_v8.so
chmod +x chromium-browser

Before running the test again make sure all chromium-browser processes have stopped and kill them if necessary:
ps aux | grep chromium-browser
killall chromium-browser

Now run the applet test again and see if it works.

Take into account that the next package update may overwrite these changes.


Although a bit hackish, if you have to use Java applets in daily work like me and you really want to use Chromium, here you have a solution.

3 dic 2013

Buildout errors with gocept.recipe.env

The syntom

I get a really very strange error when running buildout.

  Installing nginx.
  Getting option config:PS1.
Error: The option name in substitution, ${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)},
has invalid characters.
One strange behavior is that it does not occur every time. I still haven't discovered exactly when this error occurs. But the most strange and surprising fact is that it corrupts the buildout control file .installed.cfg, making it unusable for later buildout runs.

The problem

After digging a while I have discovered that my buildout (incepted by co-workers) is using the gocept.recipe.env 1.0 to get a environment variable (USER), and the error is related to the PS1 environment variable. It includes a dollar sign ($) and or this recipe or buildout (2.1.0) is not escaping it properly.

The solution

I opted to separate my part into two and to use collective.recipe.environment instead.

recipe = gocept.recipe.env
key = value

is converted to:

recipe = collective.recipe.environment

USER = ${environment:USER}
key = value

I hope that this solution will be less erroneous / more solid.

8 nov 2013

Enable Wifi Tethering on my MTK6589 Flying F600 with Android Jelly Bean 4.1.2

The problem

Google has introduced changes in the tethering module since Android 4.1.2 to allow carriers to charge their customers Internet usage from other devices. [1]

On the other hand, I have a less famous Android 4.1.2 mobile phone, the Flying F600, which uses the Mediatek MTK6589 Quad Core processor, so I needed a rooting kit that works with this phone and preferably with my MacBook Pro with OS X 10.8.5.

The solution


  1. Download and root the phone
  2. Create a script for enabling NAT using iptables
  3. Download and install Script Manager
  4. Configure the script to execute automatically
  5. Add the tethering widget to your home screen.


1. Download and root the phone

Before I did this I had no idea, but I'm a hacking guide, so I have plenty of knowledge SSH, shell scripting, networking, etc.

The root kit which I found to work well is the one I found at droidchina forums [2]. The download link is here. Previous to downloading I had to register.

I just followed the steps of the article. The compressed zip file includes the Android Debug Bridge executable ADB for Windows, Linux y OS X.

Before running the rooting command (run.sh), make sure your phone's USB connection is debug mode. In the following screen shot you can see the spanish version.

What I found interesting is the "adb shell" command which lets you hack directly your device. In combination with "su -" you can do a lot of things. It's just a custom Linux OS:

2. Create the script for enabling NAT

After some attempts to enable NAT using iptables, I found that the following script worked best:
su -c "iptables -tnat -F"
su -c "iptables -tnat -A POSTROUTING -s -o ccmni0 -j MASQUERADE"
su -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
You can write the script using "adb shell" and "vi". Save the script to /sdcard. I called it "tether_enable". You could also write it using an Android Text Editor like Jota or using a Terminal with vi or some other native commands like cat, etc.

Some explanations here:

  • The first line flushes iptables "nat" routing table. This is good when the script is executed several times.
  • The "ccmni0" interface is my normal public 3G data services interface. You can use the "netcfg" command to find out yours. Anyway, you can try it without specifying the "-o ccmni0" option of iptables.
  • I tried it with "-A natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING" found in several forums but it didn't work for me. I still don't know why. So I used the POSTROUTING chain.
  • Whenever I enable or disable tethering, ip_forward is reset to 0.

3. Download and install Script Manager

Script Manager (SManager) is an excellent application to enable script execution. It allows you to execute scripts directly, mark it as favorite, execute on boot or on network change.

4. Configure the script to execute automatically

After installing it, I selected my /sdcard/tether_enable script and marked it as favorite, root and net. This executes the script whenever the network config changes.

       Select the script       
Mark as favorite,
root and net

5. Add the tethering widget to your home screen

Locate the tethering widget
Hold and drag it to
 the home screen       
Choose Wifi tether      
Widget is on home screen

Conclusions / What I learned

  • Android is just a custom Linux
  • Rooting your Android phone opens lots of new possibilities
  • Rooting is easy
  • Tethering is fixed by enabling NAT (with iptables)
  • How to capture screens: use "adb 


21 oct 2013

Parsing X509v3 certificates and PKCS7 messages with Python


Recently I had the need to get out the following information out of certificates and PKCS7 messages:

  • A certificate's validity period (notBefore, notAfter attributes)
  • A PKCS7 digital signature's author and signing time

Some basics

Digital certificates are ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) structures DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules). 

ASN.1 is something like Backus-Naur Form used for describing data structures, e.g.:

 MyType ::= SEQUENCE {  
   myObjectIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER,  
   myNumbers SEQUENCE OF MyNumber,  
   myMessage VisibleString  
 MyNumber ::= INTEGER (0..255)  

Although it's nearly 30 years old (being originally part of the CCITT X.409:1984 spec), it's still often used in the Public Key Infrastructure world. For example, digital certificates like X.509 and PKCS (Public Key Cryptography Standards) make use of ASN.1. Simply said, it's a simple and common way to define data structures.

Beside native data types like booleans, integer numbers, real numbers, date-times, strings and null, ASN.1 includes keywords to build complex data types. In the above example, SEQUENCE was used to build a C like struct data structure and  SEQUENCE OF for a list of numbers between 0 and 255.
The CHOICE keyword acts much like C's union keyword. It's used to pack several alternative data structures into a same space. One very special primitive type is Object Identifier. It's used to reference an already globally registered data type o semantic interpretation. For example, the commonName value used in digital certificates Subject field of type Name has the globally registered ID:

On the other hand, DER is a way to digitally encode ASN.1 data structures with the goal to transfer this information to some other party.

If you have a certificate in PEM format it's easy to convert them to DER with OpenSSL:

openssl x509 -in cert.pem -out cert.der -outform DER

The digital certificate data structure

The X.509v3 digital certificate data structure is quite complex. The IETF has published its format as used on the Internet, which has evolved over time: RFC 2459  ->  RFC 3280  ->  RFC 5280.

Here is the ASN.1 description of the first two hierarchy levels:

Certificate ::= SEQUENCE {  
     tbsCertificate       TBSCertificate,  
     signatureAlgorithm   AlgorithmIdentifier,  
     signatureValue       BIT STRING }  
TBSCertificate ::= SEQUENCE {  
     version         [0]  EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1,  
     serialNumber         CertificateSerialNumber,  
     signature            AlgorithmIdentifier,  
     issuer               Name,  
     validity             Validity,  
     subject              Name,  
     subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo,  
     issuerUniqueID  [1]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,  
                          -- If present, version shall be v2 or v3  
     subjectUniqueID [2]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,  
                          -- If present, version shall be v2 or v3  
     extensions      [3]  EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL  
                          -- If present, version shall be v3  

Well, this doesn't seem to be quite complex. Name is basically a collection of tuples (Object Identifier, Value), where:

  • Object Identifier is a globally (Internet) registered identifier which you can look up in the internet, e.g. in oid-info.com. One example could be "commonName" which is
  • Value is normally a string. (There are several types of strings in ASN.1.)
The "not so trivial" part of this data structure is the extensions part which only may be present in X.509 certificates of version 3 or later. The original RFC states:

   The extensions defined for X.509 v3 certificates provide methods for
   associating additional attributes with users or public keys and for
   managing the certification hierarchy.

One of the more interesting standard extensions is the Subject Alternative Names (aka SubjectAltName) extension:

   The subject alternative names extension allows additional identities
   to be bound to the subject of the certificate.  Defined options
   include an Internet electronic mail address, a DNS name, an IP
   address, and a uniform resource identifier (URI).  Other options
   exist, including completely local definitions.  Multiple name forms,
   and multiple instances of each name form, may be included.  Whenever
   such identities are to be bound into a certificate, the subject
   alternative name (or issuer alternative name) extension MUST be used.

   Because the subject alternative name is considered to be
   definitiviely bound to the public key, all parts of the subject
   alternative name MUST be verified by the CA.

As things happen, some of our spanish officially recognized Certificate Authorities packs non-standard attributes into SubjectAltNames. The extension data is available again as a DER encoded ASN.1 data package, so that you have to feed it through the appropriate parser.

About reading X.509 digital certificates with Python

Now, we already know that X.509 certificates are ASN.1, DER-encoded data structures. Thanks to the excellent PyASN1 library we can read those data structures. But something is still missing. DER encoded ASN.1 data packages are not self describing, i.e. we must have a data structure description, just like a C typedef struct or a Python class definition.

It would be great to have a ASN.1 to PyASN1 compiler. Then we could pick up the X509v3 ASN.1 description and translate it to Python. Until recently there was none but now there is an attempt to fill this gap: asn1ate. Before, most existing data model descriptions for PyASN1 were translated by hand. The separate PyASN1-modules package includes common data structures like PKCS12, X509v3 (RFC2459), etc.

Here is one example: the PKCS12 data structure translated to PyASN1:
# PKCS#12 syntax
# ASN.1 source from:
# ftp://ftp.rsasecurity.com/pub/pkcs/pkcs-12/pkcs-12.asn
# Sample captures could be obtained with "openssl pkcs12" command
from pyasn1.type import tag, namedtype, namedval, univ, constraint
from pyasn1_modules.rfc2459 import *
from pyasn1_modules import rfc2251
class Attributes(univ.SetOf):
    componentType = rfc2251.Attribute()
class Version(univ.Integer): pass
class CertificationRequestInfo(univ.Sequence):
    componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(
        namedtype.NamedType('version', Version()),
        namedtype.NamedType('subject', Name()),
        namedtype.NamedType('subjectPublicKeyInfo', SubjectPublicKeyInfo()),
                tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0)))

Hands on with PyASN.1

Now, let's try parse a certificate. You can find the test certificate used in this example in the pyx509 package described below. You can also generate your own certificate with OpenSSL:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.der -days 1000 -outform DER -nodes

First, we'll install pyasn1 and pyasn1-modules:

$ sudo pip install pyasn1
Downloading/unpacking pyasn1
  Downloading pyasn1-0.1.7.tar.gz (68kB): 68kB downloaded
  Running setup.py egg_info for package pyasn1
Installing collected packages: pyasn1
  Running setup.py install for pyasn1
Successfully installed pyasn1
Cleaning up...
$ sudo pip install pyasn1-modules
Downloading/unpacking pyasn1-modules
  Downloading pyasn1-modules-0.0.5.tar.gz
  Running setup.py egg_info for package pyasn1-modules
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pyasn1>=0.1.4 in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages (from pyasn1-modules)
Installing collected packages: pyasn1-modules
  Running setup.py install for pyasn1-modules
Successfully installed pyasn1-modules
Cleaning up...

Now we'll go ahead and read a certificate:

$ python
>>> from pyasn1.codec.der.decoder import decode
>>> from pyasn1_modules import rfc2459
>>> derData = file('cert.der', 'rb').read()
>>> cert, rest = decode(derData, asn1Spec=rfc2459.Certificate())
>>> print cert.prettyPrint()





Not bad for the first attempt. But nearly all attributes seem to be encoded. Let's get the subject and see if we can transform it to a readable string.

>>> cert = cert['tbsCertificate'] # just get the core part of the certificate
>>> subject = cert['subject']
>>> rdnsequence = subject[0] # the subject is only composed by one component
>>> for rdn in rdnsequence:
...    oid, value = rdn[0]  # rdn only has 1 component: (object id, value) tuple
...    print oid, ':', str(value)

Now we have some readable output. The Object Identifiers have the following meaning:

  • countryName, abbreviated: C
  • organizationName, abbreviated: O
  • organizationalUnitName, abbreviated: OU
  • commonName, abbreviated: CN
With OpenSSL, it is normally displayed like this:
$ openssl x509 -in ub1204/svn/pyx509/exampledata/cert.der -inform DER -subject -noout

Using pyx509 to parse X.509 certificates

The pyx509 library is an attempt to offer a more Python like data structure. It brings it's own model of X.509 for PyASN1. My fork of pyx509 includes the possibility to parse / display SubjectAltName directory name (dirName) name parts. Sorry, no still no PyPi / setup.py, so you have to download the zip/tar ball and uncompress it.

Here an example:

./x509_parse exampledata/cert.der
=== X509 Certificate ===
X.509 version: 3 (0x2)
Serial no: 0x3cc1cd3e
Signature algorithm: SHA1/RSA
Issuer: C=ES, O=FNMT, OU=FNMT Clase 2 CA
 Not Before: 2010-09-03 07:43:56
 Not After: 2013-09-03 07:43:56
Subject Public Key Info:
 Public Key Algorithm: RSA
  Modulus: (b64)
  Exponent: 65537

 Subject Alternative Name: is_critical: False
  email: ernesto.revilla@gmail.com
  dirName: Apellido1=REVILLA, Apellido2=DERKSEN, DNI=..., Nombre=ALEJANDRO ERNESTO
=== EOF X509 Certificate ===

This seems to give us a much more usable output and may be a good alternative to parsing OpenSSL output.

Displaying digital signatures / timestamps with pyx509

With pyx509 we can also display some data of digital signatures complying PKCS7:

= PKCS7 signature block =
PKCS7 Version: 1
== Encapsulated content Info ==
ContentType: data
Content: None
== Signer info ==
Certificate serial number: 0x89bbba0749918db3
Issuer: C=es, ...
Digest Algorithm: SHA-1
Signature: (b64)
     contentType: data
     serialNumber: 0x89bbba0749918db3
     signingTime: 2011-10-04 14:36:51
     messageDigest: y8OX3qoZBY4/Cc6/w0xuRqzzQzU=
     signingCertificate: 0x89bbba0749918db3
== EOF Signer info ==
=== X509 Certificate ===
X.509 version: 3 (0x2)
Serial no: 0x89bbba0749918db3
Signature algorithm: SHA1/RSA
Issuer: C=es, ...
 Not Before: 2011-09-17 00:00:00
 Not After: 2031-09-12 11:09:54
Subject Public Key Info:
 Public Key Algorithm: RSA
  Modulus: (b64)
  Exponent: 65537

 Authority Key Id Ext: is_critical: False
  key id: (b64)
 Basic Constraints Ext: is_critical: False
  CA: False
  max_path_len: None
 Subject Alternative Name: is_critical: False
  email: tramitacion.electronica@telefonica.es
  dirName: Apellido1=REVILLA, Apellido2=DERKSEN, DNI=..., Nombre=ALEJANDRO ERNESTO
 Subject Key Id: is_critical: False
  key id: (b64)
Signature: (b64)
=== EOF X509 Certificate ===

We can clearly see that there is one signature block (Signer Info) which specifies the original message's digest, the digest algorithm used (SHA-1), the signature, a reference to the certificate, the certificate itself and the signing time.

Here one example for a time stamp token gotten from a public Time Stamp Authority (TSA):
./pkcs7_parse.py exampledata/timestamp.tst = PKCS7 signature block = PKCS7 Version: 3 == Encapsulated content Info == ContentType: TimeStampToken === Timestamp Info === Version: 1 Policy: msgImprint: Algorithm Id: Value: (b64) rnLdD3molzRsebPvq7oOSG9n8fU= Serial number: 134059559 Time: 20131011084712Z ==== Accuracy ==== Seconds: 1 Milis: 1 Micros 2 ==== EOF Accuracy ==== TSA: === EOF Timestamp Info === == Signer info == Certificate serial number: 0x5079e Issuer: C=ES, CN=MINISDEF-EC-WPG, O=MDEF, OU=PKI Digest Algorithm: SHA-1 Signature: (b64) ...
Attributes: contentType: TimeStampToken messageDigest: KpRSk0vbBke+8G40MIII9NNb51E= signingCertificate: 0x5079e == EOF Signer info == === X509 Certificate === X.509 version: 3 (0x2) Serial no: 0x5079e Signature algorithm: SHA1/RSA Issuer: C=ES, CN=MINISDEF-EC-WPG, O=MDEF, OU=PKI Validity: Not Before: 2011-08-17 09:50:22 Not After: 2021-08-17 09:50:22 Subject: C=ES, CN=Sello de tiempo TS@ - @firma - desarrollo, O=MDEF, OU=PKI, serialNumber=S2833002E Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: RSA Modulus: (b64) ...
Exponent: 65537 Extensions: ...
Extended Key Usage: is_critical: True timeStamping Key Usage: is_critical: True digitalSignature,nonRepudiation Subject Alternative Name: is_critical: False email: soporte.afirma5@mpt.es dirName: CN=TS@- Autoridad Sellado de tiempo-desarrollo, O=Ministerio de la Política Territorial y Administración Pública, certType=sello de tiempo, serialNumber=S2833002E ...
=== EOF X509 Certificate === = EOF PKsCS7 signature block = 


Although pyx509 is rather incomplete it may fulfill your needs and may be an alternative to parsing certificates, digital signatures and timestamps with OpenSSL.

16 ene 2013

Changing Alfresco object properties with python + cmislib

The problem

Some code saved some wrong (custom) property values but you have not the XML extensions to edit the values with Alfresco-Explorer or Alfresco Share.

One possible solution: Use Python and cmislib

If you haven't easy_install or python pip, please install this first. For Ubuntu/Debian this would be:

sudo apt-get install python-pip

So here we go:

sudo pip install cmislib

import cmislib
URL = 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmis'
USERNAME = 'admin'
PASSWORD ='admin'
client = cmislib.CmisClient(URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD)
repo = client.getDefaultRepository()
doc = repo.getObjectByPath('/path/to/doc_or_folder')
doc.updateProperties({'propertyname': 'propertyvalue'})

The property value should have changed.